Website design

As a web designer, I offer a tailored and visually compelling online presence for individuals and businesses. My services encompass the entire web design process, from conceptualization to implementation, ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience.

Web mock up Jamru

Jamaru LTD Event Security Website

I designed a dynamic and user-friendly website for Jamaru, an event security business, catering to both clients and employees. Clients benefit from a stress-free booking experience, providing hassle-free event security solutions. Meanwhile, employees enjoy a seamless login system where they can effortlessly create and manage their work schedules. Additionally, potential candidates can apply with ease, streamlining the recruitment process. The website serves as a comprehensive platform that addresses the unique needs of both clients and workers, ensuring efficiency and convenience for all stakeholders.

Calee Parker personal website

Personal Website

My personal website is a reflection of my creative journey and professional portfolio. Built with a passion for design and innovation, the website showcases my skills and expertise in various fields. Utilizing a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I crafted a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. The site not only serves as a digital resume but also as a dynamic platform for sharing my projects, achievements, and blog posts. With a keen focus on responsiveness, the website ensures a seamless experience across different devices. Through this project, I aimed to create a virtual space that authentically represents my personality, skills, and accomplishments while providing visitors with an engaging and informative experience.